Just Look @ All Those Peeps... |
There was a little drama involved, but i got the weekend off from the Inn and I set out of I 35n and i headed strait to Austin ... didnt realize that Bev [my mother] was working for lawyers again so that threw a little bit of a money wretch in our arrival time, however the delay got me a mexican martini and a stuffed avocado which are possibly two of my favorite things in life ... alls well that ends well right?
None the less we made it and the weekend was great. Austin City Limits Fest was, as always, a blur ... this year however not due to intoxication [however i did have a little incident with an apparently more than i thought amount of Fire Fly vodka, sorry kelly, hope the $ and the free pizza helped??]
ANYHOW, moving right along, i heard somewhere along the way that there were 60,000 + people at Zilker Park at any given time this weekend ... uh, wow!
Matt and Kim were for sure my favorite, i just like them a bunch, but there were SO many awesome bands and i think i can safely say we all had a great time ... catching up with kelly and michael always makes for good times and a few other friends along the way. Even randomly ran into an old college friend from waaay back. He was diagnosed with leukemia a few years back; the last time i had seen him he had beaten it but he wasnt looking like himself ... he looks great now and running around ACL with his cute new wife, it made me so happy to see him in such a good place.

Just a little collage of my Austin City Limits fun this weekend...
On my way back from Austin I called T to follow up on a call i received from our 24 hour emergency line... she answered and informed me that she had been in a car accident, uhhggggh! There is always something dramatic happening to this woman, i am sure that she is really not feeling well and i know that a concussion is a serious thing, but it is honestly so tiresome dealing with all the issues...
The almighty karmic rule got me back for this lack of compassion and selfish line of thought i had bestowed on my beloved co-worker for this very morning i pulled a classic 'TORI MOVE' on my way to work that basically represented all the evil i was thinking about her, please enjoy the illustrated story board below:
KEYS.. |
Had to call and deal with management for the gate code,
i hate talking with management just about as much as i am sure
management hates getting calls from me...
They are idiots so the fault is entirely theirs
[it's clear i learned something from the karma-tic message, no?] |
TO WORK... Uhhhhh! |
Finally made it there, and not that late either, and to my surprise the office wasnt a compete mess. There was actually some communication as to what in the hell had been going on in the office while i was gone and where i needed to pick up where T had left off... i guess all my bitching and ranting paid off. For now at least, the pessimistic side of me accounts for more than 1/2 and i cant help but wonder just how long this will last, i have the next two days off so we may find out sooner than later ;D
... i have made extra keys for my apt, so Karma you'll have to get me another way for the above statement...